In the beginning, I was really struggling. It was pretty easy to get into a cycle of negativity and then, of course, NOTICE the cycle of negativity and as a result of my focus (or self-flagellation) create more of what I was so desperately trying to avoid.
Of course, my intention with this process is to live predominantly with a vibration that is aligned with my natural state of abundance. So, in spite of my struggles, I have been quite diligent about shifting my mindset around to bring it back into alignment with my bigger intention.
I have noticed each mental "coup" and celebrated accordingly. I have had many small victories.
As I have been increasing my habit of noticing my successes and constantly asking myself what I need to do to stay in my well-being flow, I have been more and more successful at the process. Last week while I was driving to Austin, I realized that the bulk of my thoughts are aligned with my intention.
Wooo Hooo!
It's interesting to stand at this point. When any unwanted thought or old pattern creeps into my awareness, my new expanded mindset just seems to kind of "collapse" the old thought unwanted thought patterns.
It is literally as if the old thoughts just kind of melt away or fall down like a long row of dominos.
Last week I was in the middle of a panic attack about money, work, life balance, etc. and I started to do my usual mental spin. Normally it can take an hour or so to get myself realigned and the panic usually keeps creeping back into my awareness.
This time I was able to immediately face my panic with a list of 10 possible excellent outcomes to my situation. I immediately felt much better and eagerly expected an unexpected good thing to happen.
By Monday, every single one of the 10 possible excellent outcomes had come about.
And I didn't spend hours visualizing, journaling or meditating on these possibilities. I simply had these thoughts for about a second and then returned to my state of well-being.
Now, I've only had this experience once so I'm not going to write a sales letter and try to start teaching a class on this process. I'm just going to sit over here and keep applying what I am learning and encourage you to start your own experience.
But I do suspect that as your vibration continues to grow, you create a critical mass of energy that forces all the other vibrations to modulate up to meet it.
We spend so much time looking for "blocks" and uncovering old patterns. If that is where we are putting our attention then I wonder what we are growing...?
Maybe the key to removing "blocks" is to stop looking for them and shift your focus onto what is good and what is working...
Just wondering...
If nothing else, I SWEAR my skin looks younger and I feel like my old sunny self is returning...!
'Looking forward to having you join me on this journey!
I Love it! I have been trying to do the same and found I have tremendous energy! Then I also found out that it comes more natural to be in the flow of happiness.