Monday, January 18, 2010

Be The Change

It’s been a powerful week as nature unleashed herself in Haiti leaving unimaginable devastation in her wake. It’s hard to tear yourself away from the photos of families torn apart, children in pain and broken people.

We are all left with the question of what to do. How can we best help the people of Haiti?

The third dimensional answers are somewhat obvious. Most of us can not travel to Haiti and help in the field, although I am certain that many of us would feel a bit more empowered if we could.

Instead we text our support, gather supplies and send money to various organizations and continue to watch the news with horror and compassion, looking for some sign of hope.

If you read the news every day, there seems to always be a situation that pulls on your heart and makes you wonder just what can you do to help the world?

It is, of course, vital that we take concrete action that offers aid and comfort to people in need. There really is no way around the basic tenets of life. We need food, water, shelter and clothing, for starters.

But, if you look at the trajectory of concrete action sometimes the physical steps we take feels like the equivalent of trying to fill a big empty hole with water, one drop at a time. The small amount of water at the bottom of the hole seems to evaporate before we see any noticeable change in volume.

Truth is, “bad” things will always happen in a vibrational world.

But just how do we change the nature of the “bad”?

If you are just a “normal” person with a “normal” life, what can you do, beyond sending money, to really make a difference in the world?

Mahatma Ghandi said, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

For years I wondered exactly how to “be the change”. I mean, I have tried to be as kind as I can be to others. I do my best to take care of my family. I recycle. I feel guilty if I’m not the Poster Child of Virtue.

But as I have grown in my understanding of the Universe and the nature of consciousness, just being nice, while important, is only a fragment of “being the change”.

Let’s break this down into smaller understandings.

If you want to bring change into the world, the first thing you have to define is what kind of change do you really want to see?

If we are to create any kind of change, we have to know where we are headed and what we are creating. In order to create what you want, you have to know what you want.

It may seem obvious, but just for grins; make a list of what you think a “better” world would look like. What are the key components of a “better” world?

Perhaps you wrote down, peaceful, abundant, loving, secure and creative.

If you follow Ghandi’s statement, in order for the world to change, you have to embody the qualities you wish to see in the world.

If you want a peaceful, abundant, loving, secure and creative world, then you must be a peaceful, abundant, loving, secure and creative person.

Are you?

(Don’t worry. Most of us probably aren’t embodying all the changes we’d love to see in the world…yet.)

The world is a magnificent sum of the total of her parts. Each and every one of us is a vital and crucial part of the world and the way we “be” has a very real impact on the world on an energetic level.

Mahatma Ghandi also said, "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes."

The sum total of our thoughts and feelings create our reality. This is the simple mechanical order of consciousness. Where we put our energy and attention is where we get growth and results in our lives.

As holographic representations of the Divine, we are individuated aspects of Consciousness. Our collective Life Purpose is to work ourselves up towards the holiness of the Divine and to not tolerate anything in ourselves or with ourselves, which is contradictory to this holiness.

What exactly does that mean?

Most religions teach that we are Children of God. God created us. We come from God.

But that’s not enough. There is a danger with not following through with this thought to its deeper understanding. When we perceive ourselves to be children of some deity outside of ourselves, it gives us all kinds of excuses to not line up energetically with the magnificence of Who We Really Are.

When we see ourselves as “children of God”, it is easy to think of ourselves as some young, immature, tiny offspring of some benevolent deity who kind of watches us from Heaven, amused by our naivety. Sometimes, this deity has to come down from Heaven and punish us when we are really bad…you know the story.

And, to get even a little more heretical, when we are these little, tiny “children of God”, we can also act with reckless impunity and thoughtlessness with the prospect of being forgiven by an eternally Loving Being. The forgiveness part isn’t the problem in that scenario, but the reckless impunity and thoughtlessness is.

You, as a human, have a Divine Blueprint for your human experience. And, because you truly are a Child Of God, your blueprint is the same blueprint as God’s Blueprint. You are a Holographic Representation of the Divine.

The word “hologram” comes from the Greek words, “holos” which means “whole” and “gramma” which means “message”. In most religious creation stories, God creates the world with words and sounds. Contained within the world is the “Whole Message” of God.

God and The Universe, the “Whole Message” are contained within you. But, in the process of dancing in the density of the energies of being human, we forget.

We come to believe that we have no power, we are not worthy, we have to give up who we are and what we want, we are victims, we have to fight for what is ours, that there are not enough resources for everyone, etc. etc, etc.

We then use these false beliefs to trap ourselves into patterns of consciousness that take us far away from our Divine Heritage. Naturally, these negative consciousness patterns create actions and experiences that are less than aligned with our holy nature.

We are not only holographic representations of the Divine; we are also individuated aspects of the Divine. That means, even though contained within us is the “whole message” of our Divinity, we also have our own unique expression of that magnificence.

To truly express into form the holiness of Who We Really Are, we also have to express into form our magnificent uniqueness.

In other words, part of our life purpose as manifested Children of G-d is to live out the highest expression of our authentic selves. And this authentic expression of yourself as Yourself is one of the most powerful things you can do to “save the world.”

There has been a lot of buzz lately about 2012 and the Shift. I personally subscribe to a belief that the Shift won’t be a cataclysmic event but rather is a gradual ending of an era and the birth of a new era in consciousness.

We have already been deeply entrenched in the changes of the Shift for years now. Collectively we have been focusing on removing blocks and limitations in our belief systems. As each one of us individually experiences breakthroughs in consciousness, we add to a collective consciousness that more readily accesses its Divine Potential.

The concept of a collective consciousness of humanity cannot be realized without a thorough analysis of the hearts of all who comprise it. When we “heal” ourselves, our personal healing adds to the healing of the whole world.

The more we remove the illusions of having “forgotten” our holiness, the more we are called forth to live an authentic life, a life that is aligned with our individual unique blueprint.

Think about this. When you are living a life that is out of alignment with your authentic self, it feels terrible. If you are working a job you hate, living in circumstances that feel stifling and willing your way through each day, what kind of energy are you adding to the collective?

Now, don’t get me wrong. For most of us, waking up and spontaneously making the decision to quit everything is also not an authentic action.

But, I am advocating that one of the greatest things that you can do to add to the holiness of the collective consciousness is to get very real with yourself and start creating a consciousness and a LIFE that is rooted in your own personal passion.

When you are living a life that is juicy, fulfilling, rewarding, enlivening and exciting, you can not help but simultaneously create abundance and prosperity in form and in spirit.

These are the energies that can create great shifts in collective consciousness.

“Being” these energies begins to impact the world, not just in consciousness but also ultimately in form. (You can’t have one without the other.) People who are fulfilled, abundant and prosperous have much to share in the physical realm.

The cracking open of our hearts over Haiti is a beautiful thing, in spite of the tremendous tragedy. Tonight at the grocery store, there were children outside with jars collecting money for Haiti. We are moved to compassionate action. Millions of us are focusing our energy on giving and sharing.

But there is more required of us if the changes we are seeing are to become sustainable.

The truth is, the trauma of Haiti will eventually fade from our consciousness.

What are we consciously doing now for the victims of the Phuket Tsunami? Or the people of Rwanda? Or the victims in Darfur? Or the hungry children in our backyards?

If we want to see sustainable changes for all the peoples of the world, we have to start first by taking care of our own consciousness and truly “being” the change we wish to see.

Haiti was already a desperately poor country, a by-product of a lack-influenced collective consciousness. Don’t you wonder how the effects of this earthquake could have been mitigated if the Haitians had had better housing, a better governmental infrastructure and greater prosperity?

I am gently arguing that a shift in consciousness on all of our parts that can add to a shift in consciousness for the collective is the most powerful proactive stance we can take in the face of this tragedy.

We might not be able to control the rumblings of the Earth, but we can control our thinking, our consciousness and our actions.

And once we get our collective thinking and consciousness in an abundant place, the inevitable outcome will be a change in the physical conditions on the planet and (I suspect) a radical wave of action across the globe to make this world an even better place.

So, when you ask yourself from that heart-broken compassionate place, what you can do the make a difference in the world, start first by aligning yourself passionately with your Divine Holiness and the Truth of Who You Really Are.

Give up suffering and compromise and remember that the answers you seek in the world, are no different than the answers you seek in your countries, your neighborhoods and in your personal life.

You must first “BE” the change and then enact the change from an abundant and empowered place. And only from this energetic position will the changes we make be permanent and sustainable.



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