Thursday, October 15, 2009

Day 19 - Critical Mass

One of the things I've noticed on my 30-day well-being experiment is that it seems to be getting easier and easier to stay rooted in my well-being.

In the beginning, I was really struggling.  It was pretty easy to get into a cycle of negativity and then, of course, NOTICE the cycle of negativity and as a result of my focus (or self-flagellation) create more of what I was so desperately trying to avoid.  

Of course, my intention with this process is to live predominantly with a vibration that is aligned with my natural state of abundance.  So, in spite of my struggles, I have been quite diligent about shifting my mindset around to bring it back into alignment with my bigger intention.

I have noticed each mental "coup" and celebrated accordingly.  I have had many small victories.

As I have been increasing my habit of noticing my successes and constantly asking myself what I need to do to stay in my well-being flow, I have been more and more successful at the process. Last week while I was driving to Austin, I realized that the bulk of my thoughts are aligned with my intention.  

Wooo Hooo!

It's interesting to stand at this point.  When any unwanted thought or old pattern creeps into my awareness, my new expanded mindset just seems to kind of "collapse" the old thought unwanted thought patterns.

It is literally as if the old thoughts just kind of melt away or fall down like a long row of dominos.

Last week I was in the middle of a panic attack about money, work, life balance, etc. and I started to do my usual mental spin.  Normally it can take an hour or so to get myself realigned and the panic usually keeps creeping back into my awareness.  

This time I was able to immediately face my panic with a list of 10 possible excellent outcomes to my situation.  I immediately felt much better and eagerly expected an unexpected good thing to happen.

By Monday, every single one of the 10 possible excellent outcomes had come about.  

And I didn't spend hours visualizing, journaling or meditating on these possibilities.  I simply had these thoughts for about a second and then returned to my state of well-being.

Now, I've only had this experience once so I'm not going to write a sales letter and try to start teaching a class on this process.  I'm just going to sit over here and keep applying what I am learning and encourage you to start your own experience.

But I do suspect that as your vibration continues to grow, you create a critical mass of energy that forces all the other vibrations to modulate up to meet it.  

We spend so much time looking for "blocks" and uncovering old patterns.  If that is where we are putting our attention then I wonder what we are growing...?

Maybe the key to removing "blocks" is to stop looking for them and shift your focus onto what is good and what is working...

Just wondering...

If nothing else, I SWEAR my skin looks younger and I feel like my old sunny self is returning...!

'Looking forward to having you join me on this journey!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day 18, ""Other People's Stuff"

Okay, so I’ve been a bit remiss in blogging about my 30-day experiment.  Speakers Boot Camp was this past weekend and I was totally busy enjoying each and every day!  Wooo Hooo!

It is now Day 18 and I have two big thoughts I’d like to share with you. 

Today I want to talk about “Other People’s Stuff”.

I have noticed that when I keep my mindset clear and give it words, I can receive, in exchange, some very interesting feedback from the people around me. 

I have been accused of being a “Polly Anna” more than once and not always in a nice way.

Really.  It’s kind of funny how violently people react to you being happy. 

I have also noticed, especially this year with the “bad” economy myth going gangbusters, that many people in my life have manifested some pretty dire life situations.  I have several dear friends who are really struggling financially. 

When “other people” (and I use quotations because they are not really “other” people but instead beautiful reflections of our own consciousness) share their reality with us, it is pretty easy to want to chime in and either defend ourselves, convince and change or save the “other” person. 

I always muse at how hard it is for me to change myself.  What in the heck makes me think that I can change someone else?  (Especially someone else who didn’t even ask for my “expert” guidance and insight.)

Have you ever noticed how other people seem to trigger your core issues?  Do they trigger your issues because they are mean or are those issues triggered because you’re sending out a vibration that is in alignment with your core issue?

Here is an example.  I have someone very close to me who “makes” me feel judged.  He is extremely bright, well-educated, accomplished in his field and has an aura of authority.  When I stand next to him, I feel like a bug.

Now, in the past, I would have said that this person judges me.  I don’t have some fancy college degree.  I am not so accomplished, prefer jeans, cowgirl boots and a t-shirt, the company of my kids and my dog.  Fancy cocktail parties make me gag and I hate small talk. 

But if you ask me what has this person DONE to make me feel judged…well…NOTHING.  Not a single thing. 

Who is really doing the judging here?

Yeah, yeah, yeah…I can see all your fingers pointing at me!

Underneath this bright and shiny wise-ass exterior is a shy girl who still questions her own value. 

I perceive myself as being judged because of my own lack of self-esteem. 

It is absolutely important to surround yourself with people who support your creative process.  But, what I am discovering is that when you see yourself as a powerful, abundant being, you don’t even HEAR the judgment or the negativity or the nay-saying or anything that is out of alignment with your vibration. 

AND, if you are deeply rooted in the magnificence of who you are, you don’t draw those kinds of dream-sucking negative experiences into your reality anyway.  It’s not in energetic harmony with your vibration. 

Basically, it’s all you. 

Here’s the next question.  How do you handle “other people’s stuff” when they are struggling and suffering and you want to help.

Think about this for a minute.  

When we are struggling, how much time do we spend talking about the problem with our friends and family?  Not venting or releasing, just plain talking (or bitching...)

We sigh.  We shrug shoulders and wring hands together.  We dutifully validate for our loved ones that their lives do, indeed, suck.  Yes?

But, if where you put your energy and attention is where you get growth and you want this other person to realign with their abundant state but you are both focusing (or in my case, my whole family is calling each other and bemoaning the circumstance…) on the problem, what are you co-creating?

I know.  Your family and friends will truly think you’ve gone nuts when, in the midst of the drama, you focus your energy on the things that ARE working.  But, in the end, who is going to have more fun?  And who is creating more in the direction of abundance?

If you really love someone, you’ll see the possibility for an elegant solution instead of tragedy and gloom. 

They might hate you for being happy and positive.  In the beginning it’s always more fun to focus on the problem.  But, trust me, it is always WAAAAAY more fun to imagine the possibilities and see each bump as an opportunity to clarify what you truly, dearly want in your reality (or in their reality).

Here's quotation from Esther and Jerry Hicks that says it best:

"No solution ever comes forth - it's never inspired; you never recognize it, and you are never able to facilitate or achieve it - from your place of focusing on the problem. If you have someone who has many things going wrong and one thing going right, beat the drum of what's going right, and let that be your point of attraction.  If you focus upon their problems, you achieve vibrational harmony with someone other than the Source that gives you solutions." 

The sun is always shining above the clouds!



Sunday, October 4, 2009

Day Seven and Eight

Well I was going to write about my adventures dealing with other people's energies and circumstances...BUT...I'll write about that tomorrow.

When I started this journey, I set the intention that my Expanded Awareness would help me bring into my consciousness everything I need to consistently be in the stream of well-being.  

I know that there are old patterns that I am being given the opportunity to transcend and I am grateful for the insights I am receiving, particularly in dream time.

I've had a recurring dream this week about being vulnerable in my relationships.  I am learning that I have a deep desire to trust and feel safe in a relationship.  I'm looking forward to growing my capacity to be an authentic partner and not run...'s the good part.  

After experiencing one of my dreams about running, I woke up with a panic attack, a pretty consistent experience recently.

As I was laying in my bed trying to work with my mind to get to a better feeling place I was given a beautiful vision.

In my vision I was told that love is never created or destroyed.  It simply changes form.  Then I was shown that love is the true energy of creation.  Emotions (which are separate from love) are merely the hands on our compass helping us gauge how close we are to living our loving essence.

Then I was shown that appreciation (in the form of attention and gratitude) is the grammar of love.

In other words, in order to create and to align more closely with our natural loving state, we have to focus our energy and attention on what is working, especially in relationships.  

I read once in an Abraham Hicks book that in our relationships with any human being on the planet, 99.99% of our interaction is based on energies we have in common.  Instead of focusing on all the things appreciate about our Divine Siblings, we choose instead to focus on the .01% of things that don't seem to be working.

And look at what we get.

We are pretty powerful, aren't we?

What if everything we are experiencing is technically a relationship...with ourselves...and, of course, with the creation of the perception of "other players" in our outer reality?

And what if all we had to do to change our outer reality is to align with love?

In other words, what if all we had to do was focus on what is working, what we do appreciate, what we love and are grateful for?

If love can neither be created or destroyed and it is a constant on this planet, then we can never really "lose" someone.  The form of the relationship can change and we may have a concurrent emotional response to help us realign with love in a new way in our reality but there is no loss here.  

As relationships change form, on an expanded level, we are just co-creating with a Divine Sibling to learn a lesson.  When the lesson is done, we move on OR we keep growing in appreciation together.  It's never static on this planet.  

The bottom line is this.  Love can never leave you.  It can change how it shows up in your life.  You can align with it or not (your choice based on your focus and level of appreciation).  But, love is constantly available to you in a multitude of expressions.

If love is a constant and it can never leave us, then maybe we can have more courage to show up for love more authentically, ask more courageously for what we want and need and, most importantly, stay in deep appreciation and gratitude for our Divine Siblings and the players in our personal "reality show" and for ourselves.

Have fun!


P.S.  I am so grateful for this deepened awareness from my Expanded Self.  This is such a cool experience!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Day Five and Six

I kind of lost my momentum the last two days.  

It's interesting to me to see how when I get "busy" I "forget" to do my due diligence.  Instead of taking the extra five minutes when I lay down to go to sleep and really feel the comfort of my bed and express my appreciation for a great day, I just kind of dive-bomb between the sheets and crash.

For the last few months I've been waking up with panic attacks in the middle of the night.  I haven't been able to link them to any specific event or circumstance, although I have been enjoying a lot of contrast related to being overwhelmed and very busy.

I have noticed that since I have started my experiment, the panic attacks have stopped.  And my lower back pain, which has been intense since my baby was born in May just totally disappeared.

Two nights ago I had a really powerful dream.  In my dream I was offered a contract (don't know what kind of contract...) and given a payment of 2.5 million dollars.  

What was so powerful about this dream is that one minute I was financially struggling and the next minute I was quite financially abundant.  I woke up feeling like this was a very clear reminder from my Inner Wisdom that we can have/experience ANYTHING and our current challenges can be transformed in a moment.  

We're never really stuck.  

Unless we believe we are.

These last few days I've really been thinking about what I want.  I'm truly surprised to find that I have some areas in my life where I am feeling some growing pains and I'm not clear about what I want.  

This is probably not entirely new for me but I think I have manifested sum funky chaos lately to remind me to check in and see what is feeling good for my life right now.

When I realized that I'm not being totally authentic with my intentions and still doing a lot of "shoulds" rather than following my True Hearts Desires, I was curious to discover that I'm a little nervous about "discovering" the answers to my questions.

In the past, when I have had an unconscious intention, I am quite well known for blowing my entire life up in a relatively short amount of time.

I'm not really in the mood for more rampant chaos and deconstruction so I have carefully sculpted a new intention statement about my work:

"I am joyfully in the process of discovering my newly evolved career passion and direction.  I honor the fact that I am growing and changing.  While I am enjoying this process of discovery, I intend to attract a sustainable income that affords me all the money necessary to pay my bills with plenty of money left over to play with.  I attract my income doing things that bring me great pleasure and fulfillment and I work in a way that easily allows me to balance work, family and other additional delights.  I easily have the money to purchase things for my children, take care of my business and personal expenses, travel and attend workshops and trainings that aid me in my discovery adventure."

I am writing myself a message on the back of my hand to remind myself to keep working on my experiment.  

It is an incredible process to reprogram the mind.  

But, being conscious and deliberately in the flow is sooooo much more fun than just moving through the day without intent.

Wooo Hoooo!  Aren't we lucky to be given Free Will and consciousness.  
