What’s the fastest way to create an abundant life?
Act Like a Baby!
Thank you all so much for responding to my survey that I sent out earlier this week. I was very touched by your responses and I’m carefully putting together some guest teachers and classes to address some of the areas of growth you requested.
One of the most common challenges people listed was frustration with life and feeling like every aspect of life is “not working”. Many of you said that in spite of knowing “what to do” and tending diligently to your “mindset”, abundance still seemed elusive.
All of these frustrations for many of us have been amplified over the last few weeks as Mercury has been retrograde. You may have noticed that communication, technology and agreements have not been working. You may have discovered “snafus” and mistakes that have made you feel like pulling your hair out or beating your head on your desk.
The purpose of Mercury Retrograde is not to drive you insane. It is a time when the energy of the planet asks us to go inside and to get clear about who we are, what we are doing and how we can best align in a joyful way with what is in our lives as we continue to grow and expand on more of what we’d like to be experiencing in our lives.
Contracts of all kinds get reviewed. Agreements are renegotiated. It’s a time to re-align our lives as we move forward and make new rules about how we want to live our life.
But, OMG, it can be a time of tremendous confusion and frustration. And, by all reports, this mercury retrograde cycle has been exceptionally intense.
Personally, during this time I flew across the country to speak at a “big” conference attended by 8 people, the airlines lost my luggage both ways, I got bumped off a flight and had to spend the night in Phoenix and almost didn’t find a hotel. I’ve had books go to press with the wrong files, lost some long-time friendships, renegotiated some agreements with some clients, my son broke his leg, had a huge chunk of money disappear out of my bank account for no reason, had a different huge chunk of money appear in my bank account for no reason, had checks get lost in the mail and have spent a LOT of time re-evaluating my own life and direction. I pretty much have felt like a total space cadet and have been sitting at my desk staring out the window with drool coming out of my mouth for 24 hours now…
All of these challenges bring us lessons and as I have listened to other people’s Mercury Retrograde horror stories and, of course, participated in my own, I realized that life will always have cycles of chaos and disaster. Order always comes from chaos and when we are faced with the unexpected the only thing we can do is laugh, get back up and keep going.
In other words, the best way to survive the ups and downs of life is to act like a baby.
This is a video of my almost-two-year-old daughter taken last year when she just learned to walk. Notice how unsteady she is on her feet. Pay attention to her proud smile as she wobbles. Watch how, when she falls down, she simply gets back up and keeps walking.
She doesn’t quit. She doesn’t sit on the floor wondering what is wrong with her. She doesn’t even doubt herself. She just gets up and keeps going.
As I mentioned earlier, my 15 year-old-son broke his leg two weeks ago. This was the first major broken bone in my family. As a Mom, I was worried and concerned about my son and his pain. I thought he’d be scared and hurting.
As I anxiously drove him to the emergency room, he started calling and texting his friends bragging about his big fall. (He was trying to do a “180” on roller blades off the edge of a curb and missed the landing of his jump.) My oldest son called him and the two of them practically high-fived each other over the phone. Clearly, this was not a scary process. This kid was absolutely proud of his chaos.
Our lives are really just “movie-projections” of our consciousness. What we think, believe and feel about our lives will be projected out into our experience. We are actors in a story that we co-create with other souls and our Creator. (If you want to learn more about this, listen to this presentation: http://InstantTeleseminar.com/?eventid=12757593)
The purpose of our life story is to learn, experience and, ultimately, grow.
If you can imagine that your life is just a movie and you are an actor in the movie, then it becomes easier to see that the challenges we face in our lives are simply “scenes” that are vital to the overall plot and outcome of the story.
But, how easy it is to get trapped in a scene and think that a single horrific scene is the whole story!
Not only do we get trapped in the scene, we begin to define ourselves by this one piece of the story and suddenly, as a result of our constant attention and projection, the scene keeps repeating itself. Instead of sitting at the back of the theater watching a great movie with a bunch of your soul-friends and “high-fiving” each other for doing such a good job playing your respective parts, you get stuck in a scary hallucination that keeps going and going and going…
Instead of acting like resilient babies (or children), we cringe and hide like scared grown-ups.
For the sake of reclaiming our baby-like resilient qualities, let’s look at some key components of “baby consciousness” and learning strategies:
1. Babies are immersed in a world of learning. When a baby is focused on mastering a specific skill, their every moment, awake and asleep, is focused on achieving mastery.
2. A baby’s mastery is accelerated by constant feedback from family and friends. Positive correction and persistent reinforcement nurture and foster the growth of a child’s ability.
3. Children learn through play.
We can help ourselves master our world by remembering these key components:
1. In order to learn and grow, we must immerse ourselves in the world of learning. The Law of Focused Success teaches us that where we put our energy and attention is where we get results and growth in our lives.
If you want to create an abundant life, you have to immerse yourself in an abundant world. Surround yourself with people and circumstances that reflect your intended creation and mindset. Read inspiring information daily and develop a daily practice of visualization.
Visualize, not for the sake of creating a specific circumstance, but as a way of keeping your energy and enthusiasm high. Ultimately, the Universe knows best what circumstances and situations to bring you that are in alignment with your vibration and energy. Your job is to make your happiness an “inside” job by focusing on the things in your life that ARE good, that ARE working, that ARE beautiful and let the other stuff simply fall away by attrition.
2. Recognize that you are receiving constant feedback about your mindset from the world around you. You can never pretend to not know what is going on. Your world is always demonstrating to you where you stand in your mindset and your consciousness.
It’s your movie. If you don’t like it, instead of focusing on what you don’t like, find whatever you DO like (even if it is as simple as the color of your shoelaces) and put your attention in that direction.
Make sure that you surround yourself with people and information that supports your creative process. You don’t have to get rid of people who are “nay-sayers” but don’t give their words and energy your attention. Build a community of people who acknowledge your successes and wins. Reach out and ask for support if you need it.
This is a time of interdependency. We are not here to suffer alone any more.
3. Play. And play. And play some more. When faced with challenges, indecisiveness, confusion and frustration, do something light-hearted and fun. Change the energy. Go for a walk, dance, take a bubble bath, plant some flowers, make love…do something different. Break the pattern.
And don’t take it too seriously. Remember, this is just a movie. Turn to your fellow cast-mates and high-five each other for creating such a great scene. While there are tragic moments in life, your life is not a tragedy.
You put the “disasters” in your life there to help yourself learn. What an amazing creator you are! Now glean the lesson and create something new. There are no mistakes in life. Only new things to master, new perspectives to be gain, faith to be deepened, love to be experienced and magnificence all around.
A couple more quick cues to take from babies:
1. It’s okay to stomp your foot, cry, scream and raise your fist to the heavens for a bit. Sometimes we have to discharge the energy. And then move on to the next adventure.
2. Do what you need to do for yourself first, and then worry about everyone else. If it’s naptime, then, by God, it’s naptime.
3. Ask for help.
4. Savor the moment. Get messy. Eat with your fingers. Have dessert first. Cuddle with kitties and puppies. Stay in awe. Clap your hands with delight and jump up and down.
5. Learn to say no when you need to.
6. Say “I love you” and give hugs freely. (Who said love has to be so complicated?????)
7. If something feels good, do it again and again without guilt.
8. Smile and say hello to strangers.
9. Accept gifts from others.
10. Speak the truth.
11. Live in the now with the intention to grow.
12. Keep trying.
13. Take baby steps and remember every journey starts with one step.
14. Dream big, have fantasies and an ever-expanding imagination.
15. Pretend shamelessly.
And, my favorite, fall down, laugh and get back up again.
We’ve had a rough couple of years. Let’s keep getting back up, taking baby steps, laughing and moving forward.
Stay tuned for more. Next week we have a New Moon teleclass with Sao, more free sessions with Community-Building Expert, Jim Tree-Gilmore and a new Inside the Body of God teleclass.
Have a wonderful holiday weekend!
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