Friday, March 11, 2011

Meditation for Japan

Close your eyes.  Take a deep breath.  Let the air from your breath fill your lungs, and as you release your breath, let your fingers, your hands, your arms, your shoulders and your chest relax…..

Take another nice long deep breath and let your belly fill with air.  As you breath in let your abdomen, your pelvis and your hips expand and then gently relax into your chair.  Feel the support of your chair gently holding you up.

Now take another nice long deep breath and this time let your breath travel to your toes, to your feet, your calves, your knees, your thighs and your sitting muscles.  As  you let your breath out, all the muscles in your legs relax and your whole body is now filled with nourishing air.  Your body is soft, perfectly supported and you rest comfortably in your chair, ready to let your mind relax and realign with your Abundant Source.

Imagine now that you are standing at the top of a rainbow colored staircase.  As you look down the staircase, you see, at the bottom of the stairs, a beautiful garden.  Begin descending the stairs, one step at a time, moving down the stairs towards the beautiful garden.

You step first on the red stair, now the orange, now the yellow, now the green, now the turquoise, now the indigo and finally on the last stair, the purple one….

You are now stepping into the center of the beautiful garden.

You sit down on the beautiful green grass.  As you are sitting on the grass, you notice a soft, gentle light.  The light floats towards you and you are bathed in a warm glow.  Everything is just perfect….

As you sit soaking up this glorious golden light, you remember, without a doubt, that you are a Divine Child of God.  Within you is the code for perfect abundance and abundance is your true and natural state.  You remember, fully and completely that abundance is your birthright and your natural state.

As you remember your Divine Power and your Abundant Birthright, you know that you only have to focus your energy and attention on what you choose to experience and you know that this power of creative choice allows you to live and have any experience you choose. 

In the purity of your essence of you as you really are, you naturally choose abundant experiences.  You were created and designed to experience complete and total abundance.

As you sit in this beautiful garden, you reflect on what you will choose to experience today.  Imagine all the abundance you will enjoy on this glorious day......

As you enjoy your abundant thoughts, you remember that you can create whatever reality, whatever world you choose to live in.  And that when you add your intentions for an abundant world with the intentions of your Divine Brothers and Sisters, your power to co-create an abundant New World is amplified a million fold. 

Today, as you enjoy your abundance in the garden, we come together to co-create an abundant new world.

We hold a vision of deep healing for Japan and all people affected by the earthquake and tsunami.  We see rapid and miraculous emergency rescues.  We call angels and Divine Unseen Loving Forces to help rescuers quickly discover those in need.  We send love and light to all rescue workers that they may be strong, full of energy, courage and so that they may receive the support they need to fulfill their missions.

We see countries around the globe coming together to create and provide resources, shelter, food, water and medical supplies to all those in need in Japan and all around the globe.  We hold a vision of a planet where all people recognize the divine in each other and are called to come together to lift up, support and nurture each other in times of stress, trauma and tragedy.

We see friends, families and loved ones joyfully reunited.  We see a rapid return of communication technology.  We hold a vision of abundant resources being delivered to Japan and a powerful network that delivers food, water and shelter to all those in need.

We see Japans nuclear power plants peacefully quiet.  The walls and infrastructure of the reactors are sound and full of structural integrity.  Everyone is safe from the threat of nuclear meltdown. 

We hold a powerful vision of healing in Japan.  We see the people of Japan enjoying a rapid recovery from this earthquake and tsunami.  We see the Japanese economy as strong, resilient and on the leading edge of evolution and people turn this tragedy into an opportunity to anchor the energy of abundance even more deeply into the collective consciousness.

We see people moving joyfully in the streets, fully recovered from the fear and force of the trauma experienced today.  We see the Japanese people safely restored to their lives, free from pain and suffering.

We see the earth as strong and stable.  All tectonic plates are quiet and beautifully aligned.  The energy of the earth is restful, fully expressed and the planet is, as always, a source of sustenance, nurturing, support for all her inhabitants.

We see this event as an opportunity to continue to work together as Divine Siblings, loving each other, co-creating an abundant world together and we continue to consciously co-create an ever-expanding, ever-abundant new world where love rules, all people are fed, all people are honored and empowered and we are free to live the fullest expression of our authentic selves.

As you enjoy this vision of a peaceful abundant world, you bring your attention back to the garden.  Your intentions for the day are set and open to evolving as the day progresses.  You know that your day will be filled with abundant opportunities.  All you need to do is be ready to take guided action that is in alignment with your desires and intentions. 

As you prepare to leave the garden and start your day, you take a nice long deep breath and you offer your gratitude to All That Is.  You are so blessed and you know that you will use your blessings of abundance to increase the blessings of others. 

You stand up and begin to climb the rainbow stairs.  First the purple one, then the indigo, the turquoise, the green, the yellow, the orange and the red…..

As you finish climbing the stairs, you take a nice long deep breath and bring your attention back to your body, your toes, your feet, your calves, your knees, your thighs, your sitting muscles, your back, your belly, your chest, your shoulders, your fingers, your hands, your arms, your neck, your face and the top of your head.

You are fully present to your body and to your life.  You smile, stretch and greet the day with joyful anticipation of all the abundant miracles you will enjoy today.

You are fully supported, deeply loved and magnificently powerful.  You are an unlimited child of the Universe.

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