Friday, September 25, 2009

30 Days...Day One

I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like I'm back-sliding on this "enlightened" journey that I keep intending to be on.

There is a distinct difference between surviving and thriving.  

I'm very good at surviving.  I am excellent at pulling a metaphorical "rabbit out of a hat" in the eleventh hour of any crisis.  I pride myself in saving my own butt at the last minute.

But, surviving seems to be taking a toll on me.  The thrill and the adrenaline rush of last minute butt-saving is exhausting, and frankly, I'm bored with the suffering in between all the eleventh hours.  

I want to thrive.  I want all those things I dream about but then get distracted from, because suddenly I'm experiencing crisis again, to become a part of my reality.  I'm tired of getting close to my dreams but not actually being able to fully manifest them.

I think, for the first time in my life, I am really ready to have it all.  

And I know that in order for me to truly experience everything I desire, I have to give up my addiction to surviving.

Think about it.  If where you put your energy and attention is where you get growth and results in your life and you are focusing all of your attention and emotions on the drama of surviving, what are you going to keep growing in your life?

More things to survive, yes?


I have read in many different books written by some of the most wonderful leading-edge teachers.  They all say the same thing.

This is an attraction based universe.  We attract to ourselves in accordance with our attention. In other words, what we focus on, we live out in our reality.

Many teachers say that if we would just focus on what IS working in our lives, what we INTEND for our lives and stay in a space of appreciation for what we already have for just 30 days, we would see RADICAL shifts in our reality.  

We would be thriving.

I'm ready to really give this a try.  In fact, I've been doing this for almost four hours now and I am laughing at myself because, even though the concept is so EASY, applying it seems so challenging.

Obviously, I am paying strong attention to the thoughts that are dancing across my brain and I'm telling you, folks, some of them aren't pretty.

And I can tell that some of these thoughts have been dancing around pretty regularly in my head...

Each minute I am recommitting to my 30 day program.

Since I like doing things with other like-minded people and I am blessed to have so many wonderful, amazing Light Beings on my mailing list, I thought I would invite you to join me on this 30 plan.

Here is my intention.  For the next thirty days I will blog daily about my 30-day experiment.  I invite you to join in and post your comments and experiences.  

I want you to share all the aspects of your journey.  If it feels hard on a particular day, then be honest with it and let's work together to stay on track.  If you're having an incredible day, then share it with us, too!  We'll celebrate together!

I've written the number "30" on the back of my hand with a black felt tip marker.  Having a physical reminder helps me keep my intention focused.  

I'm looking forward to hearing your stories and sharing your successes!  

Bring it on!  

Let's thrive!



  1. I am ready to thrive as well. I related TOTALLY to everything you wrote. I am so ready - I am committing with you to THRIVE. And I know, as you do, that we can do it!

  2. Hi Karen!

    Thanks for giving me this amazing opportunity to respond to thriving!!
    My sacral said UH HUH immediately!!!
    Let's thrive together and at the same time jolt up earth's frequency of prosperity within humanity!
