Tuesday, August 16, 2011


I’m a bit under the weather today with a high fever and a very sore throat.  Thank goodness my kids are here to help me with my rambunctious toddler.  I have had the luxury of being able to “crash” in bed for a few hours while my Motrin kicked in.

Today I want to share with you my second insight from our Sacred Ceremony this weekend.  This one is a little more personal and I hope that it speaks to your heart.

The first day of our ceremony, we went down to the ocean in Galveston, Texas.  We started at Galveston State Park, a reasonable developed ocean front park.  The park has toilets, “rinse off” showers and a nice little headquarters.

While Jim was filling the pipe and saying his prayers, a fledgling bird landed on the fence by us.  He was scraggly and kind of ragged looking.  He appeared hot and parched and when I observed him I was immediately reminded of the horrific photos I’ve been watching on the news about the drought and famine in Africa. 

It has been estimated that over 600,000 children alone will die from starvation and dehydration.  Many mothers will make 100 mile treks while significantly weakened by starvation and thirst with babies on their backs seeking resources to keep their children alive.

I’m not feeling well today and taking care of my child feels very difficult.  Can you imagine trying to carry a hot, hungry child across the desert while you yourself are barely able to move…?

During the ceremony I watched my own little daughter dance and leap around in the waves, her chubby, healthy little hands wide open, welcoming life into her heart and spirit.  When we were done playing in the waves, she took an almost 10 minute “rinse off” shower, enjoying the fresh water running over her head.  Then we returned to the car and drank fresh, cool water from clean water bottles.

Even though we are facing a serious drought, water is everywhere.  So is safety, food, shelter and air conditioning.  We are lavishly abundant, even if we believe we’re struggling economically.  We live in a reality that is extremely supportive, privileged and safe by global standards.

But we are going to have to make some radical changes if we want to keep living this way.  Balance and respect for nature were the messages that Jim got and shared with us in yesterday’s video and this is crucial.
But there is another piece that is also important if we are going to create a new Era of Sustainable Peace. 

We must be actively compassionate. 

I was reading a Facebook post yesterday that said something to the effect that “I’m happy now that I’ve stopped reading the news.” 

I agree that being happy and sharing a joyful abundant vibration with the world is also an important part of making the world a better place. Let’s face it, the world doesn’t need any more suffering.  But, ignoring reality isn’t going to change the world.  If you are solid in your joy, your inner harmony will not be destroyed by the truth of the outer world.  In fact, you could use “negative” news to serve as a catalyst for creating something different…something better.

I often tell my students that if you don’t know what you want in life, take what you don’t like right now and imagine it 180 degrees different. 

You can do the same for the news.  If you don’t like what you see on the news, imagine it 180 degrees different.  What would the world look like if we were all well-fed, educated, safe, healthy and supported?  Take a minute and imagine it. 

In my book, Inside the Body of God, (http://www.amazon.com/Inside-Body-God-Karen-Curry/dp/0982780346/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313514823&sr=8-1)  I write about how the human body is a perfect metaphor for the Divine.  There are parts of our body that are “helper” cells and other parts that are here to “detox” and “clean up” what is not healthy in the body. 

We are all like cells in the God Body.  Each one of us has a specific role and function and each one of us is equally important.  What if our role as lavishly abundant people on the planet is to “help” some of the other cells in the God Body?  What if we are to “detox” and “clean up” starvation, drought, war and poverty? 

The body is only as healthy as its sickest cells.  When we are ill, our body reacts to remove the sickness in order to restore health. 

In truth, we are not abundant until we are all abundant.  Starving, dying children on the planet need our help.  For example, f they are not given foot, they may become vulnerable to militant groups who WILL feed them.
And train them to shoot guns and commit terrorist acts.

The pain and suffering of a mother who loses a child or children to starvation impacts us all, even if we are not aware of it.

How different would all of our lives be if the whole planet was abundant?

As lavishly abundant people with water bottles and “rinse off” showers, we have an obligation to do what we can to share our abundance with the world.  In a world where water and rice are precious, precious commodities, a dollar can save a life.

We must take care of each other.  We cannot turn away from our Divine Siblings. 

If you’d like to start making a difference today click here:

More soon!


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