Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Bury Your Worry in the Dirt

It's raining outside and right now, my electric bill and one of my credit card bills is in my backyard…three feet underground in the dirt, getting all wet and muddy.

Why, you might wonder, are my bills buried in the backyard?

Did I conduct some woo woo ritual to eliminate debt?

Did my frustration get the better of me leaving me senseless and enraged with my bills?


It's kind of a long story that started with me experiencing worry.

I was raised by "worriers". I love my parents dearly and they did a good job of worrying about everything. Even now they call me up worried that I'm not taking good care of myself, worried about my financial well-being, worried that my kids aren't getting a good education and worried about the possibility of carbon monoxide poisoning in my house (and to make sure that I have enough carbon monoxide detectors in my home.)

(They also worry a lot about my sanity and my life path, but that is a whole 'nother blog post…)

Worrying is in my genes. All of my memories of my grandmother involve visions of her wringing her hands with worry over everything.

She had a stroke at age 65. For 15 years after her stroke, she was carefree. It took significant brain damage to make her stop worrying.

Somewhere along the line, I learned that worrying was the responsible way to go through life. If you weren't worried about the future, making money, your kids, your neighbors, the news or your career, you weren't being responsible.

And, of course, if you were irresponsible in any way, you were giving your parents something to worry about.

I got good at worrying at a very young age. I bit my nails most of my life until I discovered acrylic fingernails when I was thirty. I chew the side of my mouth and have a hard time sitting still and focusing on one thing when I'm worried. I pace a lot and am very good at waking up several times in the night fulfilling my responsibility to worry about my life.

Over the last few years as I have experienced shifts in consciousness, I have mastered my worrying habit (for the most part).

When you integrate a deep understanding that your true and natural state is abundance in all of its expressions, you realize that you don't have to worry about anything. You are abundant. And abundance continually shows up, often in beautiful and unexpected ways.

But shifting is hard work. As we raise our vibrational frequency and continue to align energetically with our Divine Abundance, it's not unusual to become more and more sensitive to our conditioning and those places where we may still hold beliefs that keep us from allowing our abundance.

We are more sensitive, not because we are weak or vulnerable, but because we are more finely tuned to those places where we need to continue to shift our focus back to abundance. Our intention is to live abundance in consciousness and, obviously, in our third dimensional realities. When we are out of alignment with that intention, we notice!

We have been training for "The Shift" for many years. It is crucial as our souls come together and unify our energies that we ignore our outer realities and stay focused on our inner abundance, no matter what may seem to be going on outside of ourselves.

What does that look like in reality? That means, for example, that when the bills are due and things look grim, you have to ignore "reality" and focus on the abundance that is already there for you, even if you can't quite see it yet.

Freaking out and worrying, albeit "responsible" behavior by old standards, really doesn't work in these situations. We have to practice holding a vision for what we intend, in spite of the outer circumstances.

When we worry, we are basically expressing an unconscious underlying belief in lack of some kind. When you examine what you are worried about, it is always a belief or possibility that somehow there will not be enough and terrible things will happen.

Explore those beliefs and see what needs to be cleared in order for you to come back to an awareness of your natural state of abundance.

From a physiological perspective, worrying triggers the adrenaline "fight or flight" response. When you are fearful or "running", all creative thought shuts down, your connection to Source is forgotten and you go into survival mode. Not only is this tough on your body, especially if you do this on a chronic basis, but it also shuts your mind to creative possibilities and inspirations that can change your situation.

When we worry, we are basically making an energetic statement that we do not trust in the Divine Plan and the Universe. Worrying points our creative energies, our thoughts and emotions, at the worst case scenario and, not surprisingly, worrying can actually contribute to making your worst fears come true.

These are the simple mechanics of deliberate creation.

Letting go of worry doesn't mean you don't "deal" with reality. You may need to call your utility or credit card company and ask them for an extension on your payment. But you do it with knowingness that the bills will get pain, not with fear or shame.

You will be amazed at how simply holding the energy of knowingness that there is an inspired, Divine and elegant solution to your challenges (even if you don't know what it is yet…) creates, well, an inspired, Divine and elegant solution to your challenge.

Where you put your energy and attention is where you get growth and results.

Of course, this all sounds so simple and easy. Just stop worrying, right?


I have found that turning your attention away from the worry and back to gratitude and appreciation is the fastest way to get out of the worry rut. If we focus on what we DO have, what we appreciate and all the abundance around us, it's hard to slip into worry and fear.

Not only that, if you place your attention on all the good that surrounds you, you will, by Universal Law, only draw to yourself more abundance. (Focus and attention creates.)

"If you can rid yourself of worry, you will rid yourself of things to worry about.
It is really that simple.
Shift the way you feel and watch what happens."
- Abraham-Hicks
So, you are probably wondering what this has to do with my bills being 3 feet under in my backyard.

Lately I've allowed my consciousness to be seduced by worry. In my meditations, I have been working on releasing my worry. I know how little worrying helps my life.

Well, as you know, the Universe often has unique ways of sending us messages. Personally, I think G-d loves to laugh.

Yesterday I was outside on my back deck talking to a client on the telephone. Ayelet, my 16 month old Star Baby, came running out of the house with a handful of my bills clutched in her chubby little fists. Now, as I was talking to a client, I was trying to get my bills back without eliciting a scream of defiance from her (She IS gifted and "NO" is one of her favorite words right now…).

Not only did Ayelet come tearing out of the house, but Kwincy, my 110 pound lab/Rhodesian ridgeback mix followed right behind her.

As I was gently trying to pry my bills out of Ayelets hands, Kwincy galloped towards the back corner of the yard and began to dig a huge hole. Ayelet, seeing that mud and dirt were flying, immediately followed him to be a part of the digging "party".

As soon as the hole was just right, Ayelet, with all her might, pitched my bills into the hole and proceeded to help Kwincy fill the hole back up. My bills had met their fate, 3 feet underground.

Upon completion of their task, both of the Sneaky Sneakers dusted off their respective paws/hands and grinned with pride at me.

The moral of this story:

Go bury your worry in the dirt.

And if you can't do it yourself, get some good soul friends to help you...



My Soul Friends, Ayelet and Kwincy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Forgiveness - The Big Reset Button

I’m Jewish.  As a Jew, I am in the midst of what we call The Days of Awe, the time from the holidays Rosh Hashanah to Yom Kippur. 

During this time, we focus on repentance, deep self-inquiry and atoning for mistakes we’ve made during the year.

Now, I know that even though this doesn’t really sound like so much fun, I actually enjoy this time of year.  There is something to be said for dedicating 10 days to looking back, taking stock and remembering Source. 

I like to think of these days as one big Reset Button.  Push the Resent Button, start over, new possibilities, new opportunities and a chance to improve and “get it right’.

Obviously, this time is about asking others to forgive you for any wrong-doings you may have committed or regrets you may have in how you’ve treated people. 

But it’s also a time of “unbinding” yourself from your stories, old thoughts and beliefs and, most importantly, victim consciousness.  To me, this is the real definition of forgiveness.

There is a real danger in playing with the concept of forgiveness.  Forgiveness can be tricky.

I know forgiveness is a crucial piece to spiritual growth and evolution.  Many
of us have done all kinds of forgiveness exercises.  I personally have written at least 20,000 forgiveness letters to various people who have victimized me in my 45 years…(okay, I exaggerate a bit…but you get my drift.)

One of my publishing clients, Pat Rainville, author of Forgiveness is an Act of Power, (Empoweringbydesign.com) says that one of the dangers of forgiveness is that we think that by forgiving someone we make their actions “okay”. 

This style of “turn the other cheek” forgiveness is dangerous in that it doesn’t usually honor your self and often results in people re-creating old stories and victim circumstances because the underlying energy isn’t shifted.

Forgiveness is not about condoning what someone has done.  It’s about releasing ourselves from the story of the transgression and setting ourselves free to define ourselves not by what “crimes” we may have survived, but by our authentic identity.

I attended an Abraham Hicks Meetup group a few years back.  I remember the third time I attended the group we were invited by the leader to go around the circle of attendees and introduce ourselves.  The third woman who spoke, introduced herself as a survivor of childhood incest. 

It was fascinating to me that every person after that enthusiastically introduced themselves as survivors of different sorts of victim situations such as incest, rape, bankruptcy, infidelity, etc.  Once someone opened the door to “story-telling”, everyone had a story to tell. 

To be honest with you, I never went back to the group.  It wasn’t that I didn’t appreciate that these people had endured and survived terrible things, but it was energetically challenging to sit in a room of people who seemed to still be so tied to the story.

If you define yourself as a survivor, there is, by definition, something terrible that you have endured and that you probably were victimized by.  Survivors are still tied to their association with the transgression.

As long as you continue to tie yourself to the story, the energy of the story perpetuates itself.  And while the lessons of the story were probably quite catalytic in your own personal evolution, the actual event is over.  If you choose to hang on to the story instead of the lessons and the blessings, you run the risk, by virtue of focus and attention, of re-creating similar circumstances over and over again.

Haven’t you ever wondered how it is that some people just seem to attract the same kinds of tragedies again and again?  Perhaps there is a need for cutting the ties to the story and truly forgiving the situation…

You can immediately end these cycles and create something new and different when you stop looking at the past and stand clearly in this current moment, recognizing that this moment is the only moment that matters in shaping your future and redefining yourself.

The past is over.  And only determines your future if you choose to let it.

Personally, I prefer the term “Thriver” rather than survivor.  I am a Life Thriver, plain and simple.

Of course, it feels good to let go of being a victim of any sort.  But there is another important reason to release any victim stories from your consciousness. 

It’s important for the planet.

We are representatives of the energy we want to see on the planet.  (For more information on this, scroll down and read about the four stages of evolution in consciousness.)  When you open your newspaper, turn on the TV or read your CNN webpage on your computer, notice the headlines.  Ninety-nine percent of the time, there is some terrible headline that involves someone doing something to someone or groups of people being victimized by natural disasters or catastrophes of some sort.

When you really understand the mechanics of consciousness, you realize that the projection of our collective consciousness, the sum total of our thoughts and beliefs, create our collective planetary experience.

We create reality and on a global level, we co-create our world. 

What we think, how we behave, our thoughts and our consciousness is added to the thoughts, emotions, beliefs and actions of others to create a consistent projected collective reality.

We are all unique pieces to a giant puzzle.  When your piece of the whole is carrying the energy of being victimized or victim consciousness of any kind, you are adding to the victim consciousness of the whole.

Now, before we go any further, this is not blame or chastisement.  I am simply pointing out that we are responsible for what we put into the world and what we project into the collective consciousness.

If we want to live in a world without victimization, then we have to eliminate victim consciousness in our own personal consciousness. 

While this may sound big and obvious, you have to also be aware of the sneaky places where victim consciousness creeps in…victim energy can be insidious.

Think about this.  In your outer reality, you are responsible for the creation of every experience. 

Yup.  Every single experience.  It’s Universal Law.

So, for example, if you believe that your business is not doing as well as it could be right now because of the economy, you are engaging in victim consciousness.  You are not a victim of the economy.  You are simply aligned with a belief that the economy is bad and you are manifesting that into your reality.

If you believe you “can’t” do something because of any outer circumstance, including shifts in energy on the planet, karma and the old standby, “It’s just not God’s will.”  Remember that you are not a victim of shifts in energy, karma or even God’s will.  (God doesn’t want you to be a victim.)

I invite you to examine your beliefs on a deeper level and see if you have any beliefs that may be keeping you locked into a victim position. 

Some questions to ask yourself that may give you clues to hidden victim consciousness might be:

Are there any things you feel resentful of or circumstance that feel like they are “not fair”?

Do you have stories about your life that you retell often to the point where it almost feels scripted?  

Are they any places in your consciousness where you define yourself as a survivor?

Are there any creations in your life that make you feel like you are a loser of some kind?

Do you have excuses about why you aren’t experiencing the success or results you intend?

Are there any people or circumstance that you feel resentful of or trapped by?

Fill in the blank:  If only ____________________________________ hadn’t happened, I’d be ____________________________________________________.

This is just a start.  Give yourself the gift of taking an inventory of your consciousness and “untie” the ties that bind you into victimhood!

