Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What is all this Consciousness Evolution Thing, Anyway?

T he last 20 years have been marked by, what I think, is unprecedented shifts or evolution in consciousness.

For those of you who have been on a conscious path for several years, you may remember a time when you read a new book, discovered a new healing modality or tried a new technique and thought to yourself, "I must be the only one in my neighborhood doing this…"

Maybe you tried to share these new ideas with your friends and family and they simply looked at you as if you dropped from a spaceship or another planet.

But now, especially after the movies, "The Secret", and "What the Bleep", we've expanded our understanding and our vocabulary about consciousness. (You can even buy the book, based on the movie, "The Secret" at Wal-mart!)

You're no longer the "only" one!

But as you've embraced certain core ideas like the Law of Attraction, positive thinking, meditation and healing, you've noticed that even though you can feel deeply connected and you "know what to do" to create what you want in your life, you seem to have cycles of things working and then not working.

You understand the prosperous nature of the Universe and Love, and yet, you may still be struggling in your own personal relationships and with money.

You're not screwing up!

You're not doing anything wrong!

Where you are is absolutely perfect!

You might just need some new understandings and information to help you make sense of how you are evolving and growing.

There are four stages in consciousness evolution. While we like to think linearly, the truth is all of us go back and forth through these stages of consciousness evolution and it is quite normal for you to experience several stages of consciousness simultaneously.

This is the nature of evolution.

The Four Stages:

Stage One:  Your Reality Creates You
In this first stage of consciousness, we are deeply conditioned by the collective, the world around us.  Our beliefs, our thoughts, our actions all flow from a belief that our creative capacity is limited to creating a reaction to the world around us.

Our creativity is in navigating our way through challenges and situations that we feel powerless to control.  Who we are, what we feel, what we create is dependent on luck, fate and is all determined by a source outside of ourselves. 

For most of us, our conscious evolution journey begins here.  Our goal in this first phase of awareness is to begin to clear our conditioning, old patterns, thought forms and habits that keep us entrained to a powerless mentality.

Stage Two:  You Create Your Own Reality
During Stage Two we begin to remember our true creative capacity.  We learn that our thoughts, our emotions, our mindset, our beliefs and our expectations create our reality.  Using the basic "grammar" of creation, we begin to create something new and desirable in our world.

This is the phase taught to us in the movie "The Secret".  It is during Stage Two that we focus on our personal reality and move more deeply into a state of abundance consciousness.  We learn to focus and control our minds and master our emotions and use both to deliberately and consciously create.

Stage Three:  We Co-Create Our Reality
During Stage Three, after experimenting with deliberate creation, we begin to realize some very important things:

1.   There is a greater force helping us create and sometimes things work out bigger and better than we intend.  Miracles happen to us every day and we give up having to know "how" something is going to happen.  We begin to take bigger leaps of faith with our creative capacity.

2.  Sometimes things don't turn out at all like we intend but there seems to be a Divine Plan playing itself out.  Sometimes we don't know why a creation "fails", but we begin to understand that, in spite of this, the Divine Plan is good and the results are part of something bigger than ourselves.

3.  Our awareness of our creative capacity deepens and we realize that everything in our outer reality is created by us.  The things in our personal reality are personal creations and the things in our global reality are a result of projections in collective consciousness. We co-create our reality with our Divine Siblings.

4.  We come to realize that, as creative beings, if we don't like our collective creation, we can join together with our Divine Siblings and with intention, co-create something different.

This more expansive understanding of collective consciousness and the power to co-create, compels us to join together in the face of challenges on the planets, like earthquakes and oil spills and co-create in consciousness a different and more abundant outcome
Truly, this is an exciting stage for us to enter into.  Just go to Facebook or any of these social media forums and see the growing quantity of opportunities for you to join with your Divine Siblings and co-create an abundant New World.

Stage Four:  God Creates Reality Through You
The fourth stage marks a complete return to your natural state prior to being conditioned.  It is a state that is created after all your old beliefs and conditioning is released and is maintained by three key creation tools:

1.   Meditation is vital for Stage Four.  Meditation, in whatever form works for you, keeps your channel to your expanded awareness and Divine Intent open and flowing.

2.  Maintaining a prayerful state is also important in Stage Four.  Each moment can be expressed by gratitude and an acknowledgment of Divine Order and abundant perfection.

3.  A clear intention to allow the Divine to work through you helps keep your energy and attention focused on being present to the Divine working through you.

In the Fourth Stage, you realize that you are a uniquely created being and that your highest purpose in the fulfillment of the Divine Plan is to express the truth of who you are in the fullest way possible.  The Self in its pure, unconditioned state is intended to serve God by manifesting its full potential into form.

Each moment in this phase is a moment in the flow.  You know that you are fully supported and you simply obey the truth of the moment and your awareness if finely honed on the Now.  There are no worries, no fears, no lack, only faith and complete surrender.

A sample prayer for Stage Four might be:

I am an emissary of the Divine.
I am a child of Light.
I am an unlimited aspect of the Universe.
Because G-d is abundant, I am abundant in all ways.
Because G-d is powerful, I am powerful in all ways.
Because G-d is creative, I am creative in all ways.
Because G-d is all-knowing, I am always clear.
Because G-d is omnipotent and omnipresent, I am always in the right place at the right time fulfilling my Divine Purpose.
I pray that each moment, my hands, my body, my mind, my spirit, my Light and my essence be used in the service of the Divine.

A sample intention for Stage Four might be:

I intend to joyfully allow the Divine to easily create through me each and every minute of my day.

We all bop between the different phases, but you will realize that as your consciousness evolves, you tend to spend more time in one particular phase. 

In the last few months, I have seen a lot of my clients hovering between Stage Three and Four. To some of you, it may feel as if you are living in kind of an energetic "gap". 

For many of us, we are so used to "manifesting" that we are unsure of what we're doing if we don't have a "plan" or a vision we are working towards.

If that has been your experience lately, I invite you to relax into just simply being and remembering that your emotions are the GPS of your soul.  Simply follow what feels good and correct and you will be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.
Stage Four is joyful.

Some of us find that our "missions" that we do diligently served in the first part of our lives, has fallen away and we are truly following our hearts, sometimes into experiences that our previous, "serious" selves might have deemed frivolous.  The purpose of Stage Four is simply to BE abundance and to follow the passion....no guilt, no remorse, no worry and, most importantly, no martyrdom.

It is in this fullest state of expression of the Self that we serve the Divine Plan.  Remember, we are hard-wired to be happy, healthy, wealthy, connected and enlivened in whatever way feels correct for each one of us individually.

My intention, here at Joyful Mission, is to help you navigate the changes that come with each stage of evolution in consciousness.

Currently, there are three classes available to help you with your own personal growth and evolution. Each of these three classes is specifically designed to work with the energies of each stage of consciousness expansion:

Prosperity Boot Camp – Helps you transition from Stage One to Stage Two. This course teaches you what I call the "grammar" of Deliberate Creation and is a building block to all stages of consciousness expansion.

Inside the Body of God – Helps you fine tune your Deliberate Creation skills so that you can move from Stage Two to Stage Three and begin to use your skills together with other people to co-create an abundant New World.

Ascension 101 – Helps you understand all four stages of consciousness and continue to move solidly into Stage Three and Four of consciousness. This class is currently only available live. A recorded version will be available by January of 2011.

I hope you'll join me for these fun, dynamic and transformative courses. Taking this courses helps you set a clear intention to stabilize and ground your evolution and your "shifting".

You also get to be in the energy of some wonderful, like-minded people!

If you attend these classes as a pre-recorded experience, I'd love to hear your feedback and your experiences. Please feel free to drop me a note and let me know what's up in your world!

I look forward to continuing to expand these offerings!

Thank you for all that you do to take your place in the Divine Order! You are truly magnificent!




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