This blog post may challenge you at ask yourself some hard questions.
Your answers might cause your world to flip instantly (in a good way…)!
For the last 15 months, I have been trying to gather 8,000 people together to hold a single thought in consciousness in order to begin weaving an etheric template for an abundant new world.
My intention is to gather enough people together, at least once a week, to create a shift in the collective thinking of the world in order to speed up the creation of abundance and sustainable peace on the planet.
I have hosted meditations daily, weekly and monthly. I have had as many as around 100 people show up for a meditation and, on several occasions, I have been the only one there.
Last week I had over 200 people register for the mediation and only 4 showed up for the live call.
Now, I know enough to know that if people aren't showing up for my calls, it's very personal. It might not be ABOUT me personally but I am clear that there is something in my own consciousness that is not attracting what I intend to attract.
I ran through a lot of thoughts the day after the last 8,000 Meditation Event. I scrolled the the "Rolodex of Beliefs" trying to find the limiting belief that was keeping me from allowing what I wanted.
Here are some of the thoughts I came up with:
- No one is as interested in Pakistan (my theme for the last meditation) as they are in the BP/oil spill because there is no "corporate bad guy" so there isn't anyone to unify against.
- People care more about animals than they do about people.
- Unconsciously, we are biased against Muslims.
- No one cares about what I'm doing and I'm the "only one" who sees things the way I see things…(wah, wah, wah…)
- I'd rather be playing with my kids in the evenings that leading mediations for the world.
Shifting consciousness on the planet is my passion. It is part of who I am and my Life Purpose.
So, my excitement tells me that I am doing the "right" thing for me.
But, as I sat with the excitement, I noticed another spot in my consciousness that was kind of begging for attention. As I tried to hold an image of actually hosting a meditation and actually having 8,000+ people be a part of it, I noticed that, even though it was a nice thought, my mind kept flipping back to the more comfortable thoughts listed above.
On a very, very subtle level, I liked the feeling of being misunderstood, being the "only one" and trying to find someone to blame for all the suffering happening on the planet right now. (Selfish corporations, dishonest people, bad city planning and corrupt governments, etc.)
Surely it wasn't MY fault. I'm a Lightworker, right? I only think about good and happy things and if I'm blaming someone, it's only because, well, it's TRUE! Right?
But, the truth is, if we subscribe to the belief that You Create Your Own Reality (Stage Two Consciousness…see last week's blog post) or that We Co-Create Our Reality (Stage Three Consciousness), then we are responsible for everything in the world that comes into our reality and our awareness.
In other words, there is something in our collective consciousness that creates earthquakes, floods and oil spills.
Now, I'm not going to get too heavy into blame. It's not your fault and guilt is certainly going to get us no where pretty. However, as conscious beings who intend to live an abundant life and want abundance for others, we do have an obligation to be deliberate with our thinking and creating so that we can begin to choose a different experience; a different reality.
If we are intending to live in a joyful, abundant, sustainable, peaceful world, the vibrational frequency for those experiences needs to be held by all of us together.
If you want to live in an abundant world, then you have to hold the vibration of abundance.
If you want to live in a joyful world, you have to hold the vibration of joy.
If you want to live in a peaceful world, you have to hold the vibration of peace.
You get my point, I am certain.
It is our responsibility to get very, very honest with ourselves and see if there are still those quiet places in our consciousness that are holding old, familiar and, therefore, comfortable "un-"abundant energies.
Try this.
Take a deep, very conscious, very aware breath in and then out. Now try this again and simply feel in your body what joy, abundance and peace feel like. Don't think about it too much. Just breathe and feel.
Pretty easy, huh?
Now try holding those energies for 10 minutes and while you do that, notice what happens to you. Do you feel anxious or restless? Are you suddenly craving the chocolate ice cream cake in the freezer downstairs? Do you need to check your emails or your Facebook status? Where is your mind? What are you thinking about? How is your anxiety?
If you imagine that your consciousness is like a wind instrument, how long can you consistently "hold the note" of joy and abundance?
Now, just for fun, think about the oil spill in the Gulf or the challenges various relief agencies are having getting aid to Pakistan. What are your thoughts and feelings? Do you feel despair, frustrated, angry or powerless?
Naturally, we will feel these feelings first. Our emotional response helps us clarify what we want. But if we get stuck in these feelings we are only adding to the "mess" in consciousness.
In such times of rapid shifting in consciousness, we have little "wiggle room" in our thinking. We have to continue to cultivate the good habits of focusing on the world we choose to experience instead of lamenting that it isn't here yet.
The world we choose IS already here. It is up to us to shift it from its template form in consciousness to creating it in the third dimension. This can only be done by focusing on what we want.
Another subtle thing we have to be aware of is the idea that somehow, all of these events occurring outside of us to other people and in far-away places are separate from us.
If something is being perceived as a part of your reality, it IS a part of you.
When you read the news and you see an infant crying or turtle dying, because it is in your awareness, it is a part of your consciousness. It is a part of you.
I like the statement, "None of us is free until we are all free." (I could not find a good source for this quotation, so please forgive me for not notating it properly.)
The minute you perceive of a situation or someone as being separate from yourself, is the minute you give away your power to create a different outcome.
All of "it" is all of us.
And if we want to live in a world that is more abundant, healthier, sustainable, peaceful, where corporations act from integrity, where there is food, shelter, freedom, education and the conscious power to choose for everyone, then we have to take responsibility for what is drawn into our awareness and "clean" our consciousness to reflect what we desire.
The most important thing that you can do to create an abundant world, is to be abundant yourself in every way possible.
For the next few weeks, I am shifting the focus of the 8,000 Meditation Events. Instead of working on global issues, I will be hosting meditations about personal abundance. I know that when we know we are fully abundant, we are so much more powerful on a global level!
We can only lift people up to our own vibrational frequency. When we raise our own vibration, we create a greater energy to lift others up.
In addition, I will be offering a special two-hour “Tap-A-Thon” next Monday, September 6 at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/5pm Pacific. We will be using EFT and some other belief-shifting techniques to move us all collectively towards an expanded state of abundance.
The cost for the “Tap-A-Thon” is $35.00. To register, simply click on the Paypal link below: