Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Faith and the Cash Cab

Yesterday I discovered a new brand of “miracle”. By miracle I mean the possibility of a wildly unexpected and powerfully abundant experience.

I was at the gym running on the treadmill. I was working out at an unfamiliar facility away from home. The gym attendants graciously strolled between us sweaty joggers and offered us cups of water from their well-stocked trays. In front of us were three massive flat-screen TV’s with subtitles, distracting us from our puffing and pain and informing us of the current trends and news.

As I watched the giant screen, the scene changed from the local news to a taxi cab picking up riders in New York City. As the riders entered the cab, magical lights began to shimmer and shine on the roof of the cab and the driver turned to the riders and said, “Welcome to the Cash Cab!”

At first I thought this was a joke or an advertisement for something, but as it turns out, this was a real TV show. The Cash Cab drives through New York City picking up passengers and taking them to their destination. While they are being driven, the riders are asked questions and given money for their correct answers…think “Jeopardy on Wheels…”

As I watched happy passengers go for a nice cab ride in New York City and win cash, I thought how cool it must be to be a tourist in the city, get into a cab and win some unexpected money. I imagined how one man, traveling with his teenage son, might have used the extra money to take his kid to a Broadway show or stay an extra night in a fancy hotel.

Or that the two young women, who took their turn next in the Cash Cab, might have used their money to make their student loan payments or for rent….

What I love so much about the Cash Cab is that is falls into that amazing category of weird and unexpected blessings. I mean, what is the probability that someone would hail a cab, step into an income generating vehicle and receive abundant cash, just for being in the right place at the right time?

This is the nature of a true miracle.

All of my life I have struggled with mastering the difference between hope and faith. Hope, I have been reminded, is not really a good strategy. Of course, it’s a step up from despair, but “hoping” by definition implies that there is still a chance that whatever you are intending won’t come true.

Sometimes we get trapped in hoping versus KNOWING when we struggle with what I call a Belief Gap. A Belief Gap is when you desire a certain outcome but you don’t believe that the manifestation of this outcome is possible. In other words, you want to get from Point A to Point B but you don’t know if getting there is possible (but you HOPE that it is…).

There is a distinct difference between hoping and knowing. When you know that Point B is possible, you can relax, tune in and pay attention to the signs and signals that the Universe provides you so that you take the necessary actions to get yourself to that awesome Point B you’re inspired to be at (pun intended….).

When you’re just hoping, your focus is split, waiting to see if Point B is actually going to happen or if your desires are being carried away on an eternally empty wind. When you’re hoping, because you’re tuning in to see if what you desire is manifesting or not, you run the risk of missing that vital next bit of information that will lead you to the next step in the creation of Point B.

Sometimes we get stuck in hope versus knowing when we can’t seem to see the “how” of a specific manifestation. How many times have you let go of a dream because you can’t “imagine”’ how it’s going to happen?

And how many times has something miraculous and ridiculously unexpectedly good manifested in your life?

Things have to happen in linear order on Earth. It’s the nature of the third dimension. We experience time and distance here. When we try to jump out of order we simply create chaos, especially when we haven’t completely rewired our physiology.

Once you really master your Divine Power and you live out your full creative potential, it is possible to take great leaps of faith. But, if you do not completely, deeply believe that something is going to happen, if you still have underlying fears or limiting beliefs about knowing that something will manifest, beyond a doubt, then do not take action.

Faith is not hope. Faith is pure and relentless knowing. It is an act of unwavering certainty and surrender.

The delicate dance between humanity and Divinity starts in the human brain. The right hemisphere receives Divine Inspiration; the left hemisphere translates it into human action. The right brain conceives the “what”. The left-brain conceives the “how”.

The brain is just an organ, like the heart and the liver. Its function is to think, translate data and regulate the nervous system. Your heart doesn’t have the option to do anything other than beat. Your brain doesn’t have the option to do anything other than think.

When we live in the paradigm of a separate God, we think that we have to come up with all the answers. We have to take our inspiration and figure out “how” we are going to make it happen. As you may have experienced yourself, this can put you under tremendous pressure, especially when you have an inspiration that is bigger than you know how to create.

This is where a lot of people get lost in the creative process. We think we have to come up with the “how” things will happen and we close ourselves off to the constant possibility of miracles.

Thinking is to the brain as beating is to the heart. But the human brain presents challenges to us that the physical heart does not. In the brain we experience not only thinking, but also consciousness. Our Divine Awareness is perceived with the brain and we are given the task of sorting out Divine Thought and human thought, both of which are crucial on the Earthly plane.

Our human thoughts are vital. We need human thoughts to drive a car, put on our shoes, cook and build houses. Our human thoughts are the operating system for the body.

Our Divine Awareness is the antenna or the inter-dimensional interface between our expanded Self, or the Soul, and our human Self.

But, as I stated before, thinking is happening all the time. The brain has to be still for us to hear our Divine Consciousness talking. This is why a habit of daily meditation is crucial. The thinking has to be silenced in order for you to get into the habit of being able to hear your Divine Consciousness. Meditation helps you learn to sort out the different voices in your head.

Imagine this for a moment. Your brain is like a giant chamber. Inside this chamber, you are hearing your Divine Guidance, Consciousness and Inspiration. You are also simultaneously experiencing your old thought patterns, limiting beliefs and subconscious fears. At the same time, your thinking mind is translating all of this activity into possible actions, thinking thoughts about what you saw on TV last night, remembering an old experience and wondering what’s for dinner tonight.

No wonder so many of us feel paralyzed, confused or overwhelmed.

You have to think of your brain as a muscle. In order to build muscles, you have to gently train them to make them bigger. When you first start to go to the gym, you start with small weights and gradually, over time, build up your muscle strength and mass. It takes time and repetition.

Even though the brain isn’t technically a muscle, it operates the same way. You have to really build your mental “muscle” over time. You have to train it to be still, be deliberate, and hold a thought for a prolonged period of time and to know the difference between God-Mind and human mind.

It takes years for a body builder to build up his muscle mass. The process of training your brain won’t necessarily take years but it is a process that has to occur over time. Remember, as you are training your brain, you are also physically changing the nature of your body. You aren’t growing muscles, but you are growing neuropathways.

There is a simple strategy to learning how to use your brain to anchor the high vibration of Divine Thinking and turn it into inspired action.

Step One: Daily Meditation

It is crucial that you adopt some kind of daily meditative practice. There are a lot of techniques out there. I suggest that you experiment until you find one that works for you.

The most important part of meditating is learning to get your mind quiet enough to be able to hear Divine Mind speaking to you. You probably will never be able to fully shut off your thinking mind, just as you may never get your heart to stop beating for a while.

Regardless of what technique you use, enter into your meditative practice with intention. I suggest that you write down an intention statement each morning before you meditate to help you line your energy up with the experience that you would like to have.

Your intention might say something like this:

I intend to use this special, quiet time to connect deeply with Divine Mind and to hear clearly and understand perfectly. I intend to sit in silence and deeply integrate my understanding of my Inner Divinity and to act in accordance with my Divine Wisdom each moment of this day.

Step Two: Clarifying and expressing your desires

God whispers within us through desire. God wants what you want. The blueprint for the Divine is within you and communicated through you with hopes, wishes and dreams. These are the direction points given to us by our Divinity Within.

When you turn away from your dreams and desires, you are turning away from your Inner Divinity and shutting off your access to unlimited re-Sources and miracles.

You have to have dreams and desires. These are the catalysts that inspire growth and expansion.

Step Three: Know that your desires will manifest into form
Faith is the unwavering knowingness that your desires will manifest as part of your reality. The knowingness carries a certain vibration that lines up your consciousness with the reality you choose to experience.

You will allow yourself to experience a desire to the degree to which you believe it is a possibility for you.

When you can exist in a state of certainty and knowingness, then you can allow the natural flow of miracles to enter into your life and then take action accordingly.

Step Four: Take actions that are in alignment with your desires and beliefs
“Act as if” your desires are coming true. And make sure that your actions are leading up to what you want. I see so many people waiting for “miracles” who forget that creation in this dimension is a co-creative process. You can’t just sit back in your cave and wait for the situation to magically show up. You have to do your part.

If you’re going to be a best-selling author, then you better be spending time working on writing your best-selling book, or hire a ghostwriter. If you are planning on having a lot of money, then you better have a real plan on how you are going to save and invest your money when it shows up.

You have to take earthly actions that line up the frequency of what you expect in the third dimension. If you are not making the necessary preparations to receive your miracle, then you may want to re-evaluate whether you really want what you want or believe that it can really happen for you.

Miracles are wonderful works done by the Power of God. If the Power of God resides within us and our vehicle for this power is our human form, then we as humans have to co-facilitate our miracles by getting ready for their manifestation and surrendering to the process of creation.

This is the supreme expression of the spiritual concept of “surrender”. The human mind that is co-creating with Divine Mind operates like a beautiful machine. Inspiration comes in. Desire is triggered. Imagination and emotion take over with delight and the human mind begins to imagine the possibilities.

The envisioning of the earthly possibilities is the translation of Divine Inspiration into human form. Once the possibilities are envisioned then you begin to prepare the way. “Act as if” your vision is coming into form.

And then you surrender. You wait until the circumstances in your outer reality show up to give you the next steps to follow for creation. Our human experience is a metaphorical experience of the Divine. Our outer world is God’s world. Miracles show up daily, even hourly, in our outer reality, if we expect them.

We get inspired with big ideas, often times ideas that we don’t know how to “do”. Let’s say, for example, that you wanted to be a best-selling author, but you didn’t know how to make that happen.

First you begin the process by taking the inspiration and turning it into inspired action. You write a book.

Over time as you are writing your book, you feel and imagine yourself as a best-selling author. Maybe you even pretend a little bit and you create a fake New York Times Best Seller list that you tape on your office wall.

As you are working on your book, you realize that you keep meeting people who are authors and publishers. (Funny how you never noticed this before!) One evening you are at a dinner party at a friend's house and her brother is visiting from out of town. Turns out he is a publisher and has worked with several best-selling authors. The two of you have a lovely conversation and the next morning he emails you and asks you to send him your manuscript.

You send him the manuscript. He’s impressed and wants to see more and before you know it, you have a publisher, your finished book is in hand, you are on a whirlwind book tour and your book is steadily climbing the best-seller list, just like you desired!

In this story there is a gentle relaxation or surrender that happens when you take action and wait with certainty and expectation. Of course, this is only one possible scenario. The cool part about co-creating with Divine Mind is that Divine Mind is waaaaaaay bigger than your human mind.

Although your left-brain is very good at figuring out possible “how” scenarios, Divine Mind truly understands the magic of unlimited possibility. Surrendering is letting go of pre-conceived ideas about “how” your inspiration will manifest. You simply need only to know that it will manifest and all you have to do is get ready for it and pay attention to the evidence in your outer reality.

This process of knowing and surrendering creates a vibration that is in alignment with what it is that you want to experience. The more you hold this vibration by staying in a place of certainty with your expectation, the faster your vibration aligns with the unlimited possibilities that will help you perceive your desire into form.

The marriage between the Power of God within you and your human form creates the unlimited possibility of miracles in everyday life. When you let your Divine Power work its magic, you are an essential player in creating Heaven on Earth and you fulfill your Divine Role of anchoring the vibration of God deeper and deeper into the third dimension.

When you master this process, you open yourself up to experiencing the magic of the Universe and your Divine Power. Miracles will happen to you every day!

(And you never know when the Cash Cab will carry you to your next destination…!)
